cancer survival and motivation

Our story of aspirations & defying the odds

All along our life we nurture ourselves to have goals and dreams, we work to achieve those dreams and goals. But life awaits in the goal post with unpredictability. These unpredictable and uncalled moments change our outlook towards life completely.

Me and my husband started our journey with the same enthusiasm but a sudden jolt showed us all the unforeseeable consequences of life at once. So here is our story of aspirations paved from unprecedented journey of beating the odds.

cancer survival stories

To begin with, my husband Nilay (C.E.O and Founder Divulge Company) was a navigating officer in a renowned company and I (Abhipriya, Co-Founder) was working on my Ph.D. thesis when we got married in the year 2017. Hanging around with friends, fun time with family, late night movies, that was how life was forwarding. Suddenly it all came to an abrupt halt when my husband got diagnosed with stage 4 colon adenocarcinoma.


The word cancer itself brings cold shivers down the spine and when its diagnosed with all the worse treatment possibilities then all you see is a vast universe of darkness. Doctors informed us that his cancer is inoperable and he will survive till his body responds to chemo. One after another, we consulted dozens of oncologists but with no good news. His chemo started and with each passing day his health was deteriorating. Our only light was prayers. And we did pray hard for atleast a glimpse of light in the dark hollow tunnel.

stage 4 colon cancer
cancer fighting inspirations

After 24 bouts of chemotherapy and 36 bouts of targeted therapy and 36 kg weight loss, our prayers got answered. We met a doctor who changed the course of his treatment with his new perspective. Eventually the doctor operated his tumor and with few post-operative treatments he recovered steadily.

cancer recovery
will power makes miracles
defeat cancer

Now, its 1.5 years he is a survivor and more to come.

This period taught us many lessons. Prime among them is hope and willpower. Infact, during this period my husband cultivated the dream of our company Divulge. He gave shape to his ideas. And just like a true sailor, set his sail even in turbulent sea.

Our company is growing now, people are getting to know us and our ideologies day by day. But our story is the biggest inspiration behind our company. Our story is our motivation, our strength and willpower. And as the most crucial part of Divulge Company, you all deserve to know our story.

never loose hope in life
survived cancer

Today I love to see his old dresses fitting in. His old demeanor coming back. We believe if you can smile through your hurdle , the road doesn’t become easy but memorable. This one journey prepared us for bigger ones to come. So, as Nilay would say, start from nothing and stop for nothing.

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