Divulge’s Aspiration; Buy jute as a biodegradable fiber.

Biodegradability is the “mantra” of our coming future. For centuries we have exploited nature and its resources and incorporated artificiality into purity. But our nature has its own way of letting us know where, how and when to stop. Nature has encompassed us with inordinate wealth. Wealth  if employed properly can enhance our life style and restore the chastity of the environment itself.

And thus comes the era of environment friendly sustainability.

One material that upholds all this attributes is Jute or very fondly named as the “Golden Fiber”. Low production outgo, eco-friendly and recyclable. All these features make it a beneficial alternative to plastic or any artificial polymer and in few cases cotton too.

Jute mostly grows in the areas with relatively high temperature and humidity. Huge rainfall is required for its growth. Thus Ganges delta regions best suits jute cultivation. India is one of the leading producers of jute. It makes up to 60% of the total production in the world. Jute is India’s forte. Lets give it a thriving platform and recognition to bring about a greener and healthier world.


Divulge holds itself highly responsible for the environmental protection and to bring about an eco-friendly future. We choose jute owing to its countless traits. Jute is not only bio-friendly but also pocket-friendly, production-friendly, user-friendly and last but not the least future generation-friendly.

In India, jute architectures are mostly established in rural areas. Though a powerhouse of talent, they

have low exposure to modernisation, social media platforms and international market demands. Divulge aims to bring these platforms at their door step. Create development in money flow, professionalism and jobs. Thus making jute employment-friendly too.


All the products featured by us are exclusively made of jute and its by-products. Jute is a breathable and resistant fiber. It is long-lasting and can withstand highs and lows of the surrounding environmental changes. Moreover jute is easily biodegraded and so poses no threat to environment. It is always safe to buy jute products, it keeps our house as well as environment clean.  We are trying to enlighten such features of jute and bring every possible products of daily household as well as exclusives, so that there can be, “a touch of nature” everywhere.

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